Diode Laser Treatment


The Diode Soft Tissue Laser is an innovative dental too that allows our doctors to treat impacted teeth (usually the cuspids), and facilitate their eruption into the dental arch. They select cases carefully and serve as an alternative to an oral surgeon where cases may require anesthesia, greater costs, and potentially more discomfort.

How does Diode Soft Tissue Laser work?

This specially designed laser light carefully and precisely removes soft tissues such as excess gum tissue. The Diode Soft Tissue Laser can perform a number of tasks, depending on the wavelength it is set on. Soft tissue dental lasers are well established for precision cuts with gum tissue; they eliminate bleeding at the site and reduce healing time.

The Diode Soft Tissue Laser considerably shrinks the discomfort associated with soft tissue procedure. This in turn promotes a faster treatment and faster recovery period for the patient. In addition, lasers help to sterilize the treatment area thorougly, and generally entail little to no discomfort. Most patients are surprised by the fact that no “shots” are involved and there is virtually no discomfort.


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